
The physiotherapy service covers various fields dealing with different kinds of techniques. In order to offer the best possible treatment it is essential to determine the specific diagnosis of each disease, and if it comes within the competence of physiotherapy, applying certain techniques intended to alleviate or completely restore the patients health.

If the diagnostic orientation makes us think of pathology outside the competence of the physiotherapist, we proceed to refer to the most appropriate specialist.



Trauma Physiotherapy

Treatment of orthopedic problems, ie, bone fracture, dislocation, multiple injuries, sprains, muscle trauma pathology, postoperative recovery… The guideline is aimed at relieving pain, reducing inflammation, restoring mobility and achieve a functional recovery for the patient.

Rheumatological Physiotherapy

Treatment of problems that begin in the body without being caused by an external agent such as arthrosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, calcifications, osteoporosis…

Respiratory Physiotherapy

Treatment of respiratory tract problems that can be caused by chronic conditions (COPD, asthma, cystic fibrosis …), acute processes (pneumonia, lung abscess …) or surgery (cardiac, thoracic, transplantation).

Cardiovascular physiotherapy

Treatment of circulatory disorders mainly: both venous blood and lymphatic system such as: edema, lymphoedema, varicose veins, tired legs, phlebitis, etc.

Sports Physiotherapy

Treatment of the ailments that appears from the development of different sports without solutions involve side effects, toxicity or complications of doping that harm the athlete.

Obstetric Physiotherapy

Cover prevention, therapy during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

Neurological Physiotherapy

Focuses on the treatment of patients with neurological disorders (hemiplegia, paraplegia, quadriplegia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy…) to contribute to the improvement in activities of daily living.

Pediatric Physical Therapy

Treatment of children with problems like cerebral palsy, brachial palsy, Bronchiolitis, Arthrogryposis, Early attention…

Geriatric physiotherapy

Treatment of elderly patients whose primary problem is loss of mobility and functionality, with the consequent loss of quality of life.


Tools we use to treat your ailments


The kinesiotherapy, physical therapy or exercise therapy (in some countries) is the art and science of treating ailments and injuries through movement. It is incorporated in the subject area of physical therapy and should be performed by a physiotherapist prescription.


  • Maintain a normal functional capacity
  • Improve muscle response
  • Recovery of movement
  • Treat disabilities like quadriplegia or paraplegia
  • Restore or maintain range of motion
  • Avoid joint stiffness
  • Prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases

Kinesio Taping

This is an elastic cotton tape, which incorporates an adhesive layer which gives adhesiveness. This layer is hypoallergenic (no latex), and mimics the fingerprint to promote perspiration and the elevation of the skin.

It behaves like a “second skin”, as it has characteristics similar to those of the skin (elasticity, thickness, weight…)

Used for: relief of pain, decreased inflammation, decreased bruising, joint protection, improve proprioception, correct posture, Etc.

Dry needling

The dry needling is aimed at treating myofascial trigger points (MTP) assets. Myofascial trigger points are points where muscle tissue is shortened, therefore you do not get the nutrients properly and are hypersensitive to touch. When MTPs are active,it is common to give referred pain to specific body areas (the area depends on the point that is active, for example: active supraspinatus MTP can give referred pain to the shoulder and side arm).

Technically, a type of acupuncture needle is introduced in the MTP treated (although they are presented specifically for dry needling), some mobilizations are performed for a few seconds and then the muscle stretch affect is achieved (generally associated with cryotherapy).

Neuromeningeal mobilization

Neuromeningeal mobilization is a manual technique that is to assess the neural structures as a part of the tissue with the possibility of injury. The close relationship of peripheral nerve with other anatomic structures (muscle, tendon, fascia …) make it vulnerable to injuries that often give symptoms that can mimic other muscular injuries, fascial, circulatory… They are basically analytical testing nerve stretching, according to its anatomic and treatment course consists of a transverse and longitudinal movement of the nerve.

Rehabilitation of Proprioception

Proprioception is the sense that informs the organism of the position of the muscles, is the ability to sense the relative position of adjacent body parts. Proprioception regulates the direction and range of motion, allows automatic reactions and responses, is involved in the development of body image and its relationship with space, supporting the planned motor action. Other functions in which it operates with more autonomy are the control of balance, coordination of both sides of the body, maintaining the alert level of the central nervous system and influence the emotional development and behavior.

This sense is altered after long periods of immobilization therefore it has to be reeducated to perform its function properly.

Manual Drainage

It is a specific massage therapy technique aimed at stimulating lymphatic and venous reabsorption through the superficial system, in order to improve the elimination of fluid accumulated in the interstitial space or in body cavities (edema), and optimize your evacuation.

Manual drain has effects. draining, neural, on the muscles and on the immune system.

This technique is indicated in:

-edema of lymphatic origin (primary and secondary).

-edema of venous origin. Specifically in the area of ​​edema.

-traumatic and postoperative edema. -Specifically in the area of ​​edema.

other edemas, such as those caused during pregnancy, in premenstrual syndrome…

Myofascial Therapy

It consists of a physiotherapy technique that tries to assess and locate restrictions in the myofascial system, for subsequent treatment.

A structural change of the fascia can cause myofascial dysfunctions, which significantly interfere with the patient’s quality of life, since it causes discomfort and pain.

The causes of the appearance of these dysfunctions can be diverse. We highlight some:

  • Bad postural habits.
  • Prolonged local or global immobilization (bedridden, casts, etc.)
  • Repetitive trauma: excess use or misuse (postural and dynamic hygiene at work, poorly executed exercise, excessive exercise, overload after a competition, …)
  • Injuries: blows, falls, …
  • Problems arising after surgical recovery.
  • Inadequate nutrition, intolerances, intake of toxins,…
  • Emotional causes related to stress.

Massage therapy

It is essential to remember that the work of the physiotherapist does not focus on massage therapy, but it is a tool as part of the possible techniques that can be applied.


Electrotherapy is a discipline that is included within the physical therapy and is defined as the art and science of treating injuries and diseases by means of electricity.

Today, technology has developed numerous devices (medical devices) for the application of electrotherapy without risk of side effects, such as TENS stimulators or high or low frequencies.

The main effects of different electrotherapy currents are:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Improved trophism
  • Empowerment neuromuscular
  • Thermal, in the case of high-frequency electrotherapy
  • Strength training
  • Improved drug transport
  • Decreased edema
  • Pain control
  • Improved wound healing

Clinical reasoning

Involves decision-making by the physiotherapist throughout the evaluation process, physiotherapy diagnosis and treatment of the pathology suffered the patient.

Manual therapy

This process will take a medical history structuring objectives, targets and therapeutic strategies based on clinical data.

Set of methods and acts with the therapeutic and / or preventive which is applied manually on muscle, bone, connective and nerve tissue. Physiological reactions that equilibrate and normalize the various muscular, osteoarticular, organic and functional disorders and their painful manifestations are thus obtained, directly and / or reflected.

Terapeutic exercise

The exercise prescribed by the physiotherapist aims at movement of the body or its parts to alleviate, ameliorate, prevent or stop the deterioration of health.

The aim is to achieve positive results that are durable and provide tools so the patient is able to self treat, making it a much more active part and protagonist of his health process.

Functional bandage

It is defined as that bandage that produces the limitation or inhibition of a movement that produces pain, leaving the other movements free.

It is indicated in: grade I and II sprains, ligamentous laxity, discharge of tendinitis/tendinosis/tendinopathies, rupture of muscle fibers, muscle strains and elongations, cracks in long bones, discharge of fasciae, intercostal fissures or sprains, and after removing a plaster as a preliminary step to rehabilitation.

This type of bandage is usually made with tape (an inelastic and rigid bandage both lengthwise and widthwise) or an elastic adhesive bandage (it is basically elastic lengthwise and moderately wide). Prior to the bandage, pre-tape is usually applied, as well as foam protectors on bony prominences.


It constitutes an assessment and treatment technique that is complementary to those normally used by the physiotherapist.

With it you can identify muscle injuries, tendons, joints, ligaments and even fascia.

It is a dynamic, very effective tool that is used within the physical examination of the patient, allowing, in real time and in a comparative way, to objectively evaluate the injured tissue, properly program the Physiotherapy program, at the same time, assess in the successive sessions evolution with the physiotherapy treatment received, thus improving the quality of care provided to our patients.

Our goal is provide treatment tailored to each person in order to achieve our main goal
Improve your health!
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